& Recycling GmbH & Co. KG

The „Blauer Engel“

Germany’s eco-label

The „Blauer Engel“ is a so-called type I – environmental label based on the international standard DIN EN ISO 14024 „Environmental labels and declarations – environmental label type I – principles and procedures (ISO 14024:2018)“. This is done through comprehensive and independent labeling of the higher quality products within a product group, unlike product labels, for example, which only take one criterion into account or are assigned by the manufacturer himself.

The „Blauer Engel“ has been a federal environmental label for over 40 years. We set strict standards for independent, reliable and environmentally friendly products and services. The „Blauer Engel“ ensures that its products reduce environmental pollution and meet high health protection standards. This is achieved with the same ease of use and quality. The „Blauer Engel“ only distinguishes the best within a product group. The Federal Environment Agency is responsible for the scientific development of the standards.

The purpose of the eco-label is to give individual consumers, large institutional consumers and public bodies reliable guidance on environmentally conscious shopping. Because the targeted demand for environmentally friendly products promotes environmentally friendly product innovations and reduces environmental pollution. The „Blauer Engel“ stands for independent, transparent and sophisticated labeling.

The „Blauer Engel“ is a fair and economically independent voluntary product mark. This is ensured by the Federal Ministry for the Environment as the owner of the label, the Federal Environment Agency for the scientific development of the award criteria, the „Environmental Label Jury“ as the decision-making body and the German Institute for Goods Security and Labeling e.V. as an independent certification body.

Even before environmental issues are legally regulated, environmental labels set voluntary standards and give companies the opportunity to communicate their pioneering role. This makes the state eco-label an important voluntary instrument of environmental policy. Manufacturers know that the requirements of the „Blauer Engel“ are a good guide when they want to improve the environmental performance of their products and develop innovative, environmentally friendly products.

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