Earn money instead of burning it, we buy your plastic leftovers and recycle them in a certified environmentally friendly way for a second "life".

Recycling - SUSTAINABLE, high quality


Recycling is one of the most important tools for maintaining a stable circular economy. That is why we have secured several sources of raw materials in the long term in order to be able to guarantee a constant supply of CO²-neutral plastic granules. All recyclable materials are extensively checked and sorted by us to ensure purity and quality standards for future productions. On request, we can also offer you the option of developing completely new material properties by adding a wide variety of raw materials. Simply speak to our material specialists. We are happy to help.

PCR granules
PCR granules

All plastic waste from household flows is carefully sorted so that it can then be processed into high-quality granules.

Find out more about the offered PCR granules now.

PIR granules

Any plastic waste from industrial productions is elaborately processed by us and refined if necessary in order to be able to reintroduce the substances into the economy.

Find out more about our PIR granules.

Latest news

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The „Blauer Engel“

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Bio Kunststoffe

Organic Plastics

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Are you interested in our recycling solutions?

Please write to us using our contact form with your request. We will take care of your request immediately and your personal contact person will get in touch with you promptly.

Do you have anymore questions? Then you can also reach us by phone at: +49(0)36848 86898. We are happy to help!

Contact Us

You can also reach us by phone at: +49(0)36848 86898